This is Africa

This is Africa

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Job is My Life...

Growing up in the States, you constantly have people telling you "Don't take you work home with you" and "Don't mix business with pleasure" and lots of other sayings that cause an American person to desire the luxury of having your home life separate from your career. Of course in the US there are plenty of people who worship money and are continually working in hopes of obtaining more and more of it, as well as those lucky individuals who love their job so much that they cant help but continue working after hours, and the unlucky MANY people who can't stop thinking about their jerk bosses and so on and so forth....
The Peace Corps is truly a job like no other. I love this job more than any job that I have ever had, and I love the benefits that come with this job. Every day I have the satisfaction of knowing that I have exceeded a new limit that I set for myself, and although I don't always want to, I constantly am trying new things. My  job is continuously teaching me new things, and keeping me on my toes. The problem with this 'job' is that I never have a day off. Today is Sunday, which is our 'day off,' and everyday we 'get off' work at 5pm, however instead of GOING 'HOME,' I (on a normal day) go back to my Home Stay Family, and struggle through a conversation in Bambara, and stomach down something that could potentially come back up. I then head into my room which is 100 degrees on a good day, and fan myself until I pass out.
I know I am making Peace Corps life sound tempting with these horrible situations, however no matter how bad this 'job' is, its somehow exactly what I have always wanted. Right now I am not cut out for a 9-5 job. ....Yes, I would be perfectly happy getting off work and going home to my dreamy fiance every day, and being able to enjoy simple things like a conversation in English, or some yummy delivery PIZZA, while laying on the couch watching a rented movie from Redbox...(wait...what was I talking about again??)...
Oh yea..Life in the Peace Corps has to be taken One Day At A Time...
Each and Every day is a struggle, and the fact that there are ZERO BREAKS EVER, makes it that much more difficult. But I have to remind myself that this is what I signed up for... and trust me, the little things like successfully making a brick, or minimal flies swarming you while you're bathing (splashing water on yourself from a tiny bucket beside the poop hole), and getting a child to come up and touch you even though you're a white scary person, and even though they're only doing it because you have American Candy ;)*....its the little things that get you through here...
So tonight when I want a 'break' and there is no way that I am going to get one, say a little prayer for me that I can find a way to cope, and that God will send me a small thing, that puts a big smile on my face!!*..Love and Miss yaLL*


  1. The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet. ~James Openheim

    So happy you have found a wonderful niche in Mali!! I pray you will have daily joys and smiles!! Love you bunches!!

  2. "When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another" - Helen Keller

    I know that you have touched many lives while in Mali! So proud of your accomplishments and I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Love you!

  3. If you are truly doing the job that you feel God has called you to do, it is always with you. You may not be physically in the position 24 hours a day, but it remains in your heart and on your mind. Knowing that you are helping to make a difference for the people in Mali helps to keep that beautiful smile on your face!!! I love you baby!!! I am praying for you continually!!!!
