This is Africa

This is Africa

Monday, July 4, 2011


Welp, I can't believe I have survived over a month in Mali!! Over this time I have grown a lot as a person, I think, but I still would say I have a long way to go! My poor mother gets to experience all of my break downs that happen more often than not! Today has been a rather rough day because I woke up with a fever, and I am pretty sure I have a cold...or malaria?? who really knows!! 
Yesterday was the BEST DAY EVER!! Sundays are our days off, so eight of us went on an excursion to this 'french oasis' in the middle on nowhere!! it was Truly magical!! We got to treat ourselves to a fabulous day!! Today we are being treated to a Malian 4th of July party, and since no Malians celebrate the 4th of July, we were brought back to Tubaniso where we are grilling out HAMBURGERS, and eating GRILLED CHEESE and stuff, so I am pretty pumped about that! Later we are going to play an American Trivia game, and then we're having a water balloon fight, so other than the giant African bugs, and extreme heat, and no lake or family and my Kentucky friends, I feel like I am back in the states!! 
Today my sister is turning the big 18 and I am absolutely devastated that I can not be there to celebrate with her. I am so proud of her and and the beautiful lady she has become!! 
Today I am taken back to last 4th of July weekend that I spent in HHI with my loves!! I can't believe time has passed so quickly from that moment, as well as how fast time is passing here!! I miss you all and love you very much!! Todays blog isn't very personal or fun, but i DO have a fever, and do not really feel like blogging!! HAPPY 4TH OF EVERYONE!!...Take a moment to appreciate your American Freedoms, and the amazing people who leave their friends and families to protect those freedoms overseas!!~PEACE*
(ps got another care package from mommy today!!~THANKS!!*)


  1. It is always a joy to read your post and see pictures on FB! Happy July 4th to you! I am praying that your fever will be gone very soon. Enjoy your grilled cheese and hamburger today....a box is on the way!!!
    Love and prayers to you!
    Terri Short

  2. I was so excited to connect with you live today on FB!! I hope you wake up in the morning and your fever is better. Remember that everyone is praying for you and thinking of you constantly - Jared, Tinners, Mom and Dad, Micha, Dakota, Mandy, friends, family, and neighbors - we all love you and pray for your safety, for perseverance, strength, and guidance. We love you honey and send you God's special blessings!!
