This is Africa

This is Africa

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Worth it

Its the night before I leave to go back to HomeStay. I came back to my hut to sleep but i am not quite sleepy enough. Life is good right now because i am laying under my fan and my caladryl lotion is pretending to work for the moment. I can hear Zacharia playing his guitar, as some of the crew stays up swapping stories around a bon fire. Right now I am feeling like I can do this. I feel like I am where I am supposed to be at this point in my life. I feel as if every little thing I have done throughout my life has somehow gotten me to this place (the place i constantly question 'why are you doing this to yourself')…Todays 'field trip' kind of helped place things into perspective. I am getting back to the place that 'Methloquine' took me out of. 
For the past few years of my life I have watched commercial after commercial and posters and ads all around of these 'starving children in africa,' and all I see when I look at these pictures are the kids looking at me saying 'why am i not worth it?' I took this assignment to devote my time to telling these children 'you are worth it!' 
Water is a basic human need and every person on the planet should be entitled to CLEAN WATER!! The stuff running out of your faucet that we all take for granted is a luxury for so many people around the world. Children die every day from what Dr. Don calls 'Mr. D'…So as a Water Sanitation Extension Agent, I am trying to Extend Clean Water to the people of Mali…
As for my family and friends, you are helping the people of Mali too!!~This is the hardest thing i have ever done!! I am homesick, for my mommy, my Jared, my Tinley, and you know, EVERYTHING!!! So all of you who say, 'what can i do??' you're doing it!! Your thoughts and encouraging words are what keep me going! I am so thankful for my amazing family and friends who are loving and supporting me!! YALL ARE THE BEST!!!*


  1. With tears running down my face and my soul thanking God that I get to be a part of your life......

    My Ashton..... I love you!

  2. Sweetheart, I have read this blog over and over. I have always supported you in your desire to be a part of improving conditions for our fellow man. Reading this has had such an impact on me. I think I finally really get it!

    A verse in Esther keeps coming to my mind. Mordecai said to Esther "Who knows if you were put in this place for such a time as this?" I know that God has a detailed plan in place for your life. I am so thankful that you are eager and willing to follow His lead. I am so proud of you!!! I love you bunches!!!!!xoxoxoxoxo
