This is Africa

This is Africa

Monday, June 6, 2011

Just Eating the Culture Up

Not particularly in the blogging mood right now, but since I was not in the blogging mood yesterday either I should probably just suck it up and type!! So far I have not been too sad because I genuinely feel like I am at camp! We are staying in huts with three people to a room, eating together in the cafeteria, and going to sessions throughout the day. During the small amount of time that we are not extremely busy, we are either talking to our loved ones, or the musically talented are playing their instruments and singing (very peacefuL!)
Last night I had the opportunity to Skype with Dad, Mom, Micha, and Jared! I did not realize how significant skype was until last night! Unfortunately when I get off my phone calls (which last like 2min tops) I feel like I didn't really get to say anything, or connect with anyone, so skype (being free and all) is such an amazing tool that I am super glad to have!!
Tonight we got to enjoy a culture festival and of course I took it to the extreme!! I ate all of the good foods, got henna tats up my right arm and on my feet, as well as had my hair BRAIDED!~and yes it looks as bad as it sounds!!  It was really neat because they played the local music and everyone danced! The Malians and us got really into Shakira's 'Africa' song, but when Lady Gaga started playing, all of the Malians dipped out!! lol*
I was asked today where I would prefer to be placed for my two years at site! I said I would rather be in a bigger village (more chance of electricity and markets and such) and around other PCVs! We will see if this happens! I was also asked what region I would like to go to. I was tempted to say Dogon Country, and almost did, however I decided not to because I figured I would be placed wherever is right for me!!

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