This is Africa

This is Africa

Monday, June 27, 2011

Meth Monday

Not really sure what to write today, but I figure I should probably take advantage on the internet! Right now I am sitting inside of the cafeteria while a sand storm slowly makes its way into a thunder storm. Although it is kind of freaky, I am thankful in the fact that i am not alone in my little concrete abode around two am like usual. I become so convinced that the thunder in the distance sounds like a train,  thus it must be a tornado. I get so terrified that I put on my bicycle helmet and crawl under my bed with the cockroaches, and termites and pray. I feel silly nearly every single morning, after these shenanigans, yet my worrisome self always practices the same routine. Fear here, has taken a brand new form. In the States it seems that I am afraid of absolutely everything. Here, I have talked myself into only freaking out in life threatening situations. At home, I freak out at the sight of any type of bug; Ants, spiders, roaches you name it, i freak, but here i've decided to only freak out if the bug can kill me! One night I woke up to a three inch cock roach beside my head on my pillow, I could have gotten up and ran and thrown a hissy fit and what not, but I decided to smash it and go back to sleep.
Today is METH Monday, when we all take our Methloquine so who knows what kind of mood I will find myself in later tonight!~i will probably dream some crazy dream and hallucinate, but don't worry it is not all bad. I enjoy my vivid dreams especially when I am home in them, and with my loved ones. One night Sam, Jared, and I got arrested for God know what.~I woke up in the best mood, because I felt like I actually saw them!! Meth Mondays definitely pay a toll on us though...They really mess with our mental state, and by Tuesday we are usually super depressed and suffer from anxiety (which is not good when you're this far from home)!! I definitely need my Methloquine though, because without it Malaria would have gotten the best of me a long long time ago!!~I think I counted 100 mosquito bites today, which is definitely at the ridiculous point~AND ITCHY!
Thanks to everyone who has sent/or is sending me a care package!~for some Goodie ideas: beef jerky, tuna 'lunches to go', poptarts, sauces (any condiments), hand sanitizer, baby wipes, and pretty much any food will never get old, DVDs are ALWAYS good, and much appreciated, pictures, and letters are awesome!! i love and miss you all, especially Jared and little miss Tinley!! Hope all is well....PEACE*

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to know I'm appearing in your dreams! Hmmmmm Jared, you and I getting arrested, wonder what we did? Most likely Jared & I kidnapped you so you wouldn't leave us! haha
