This is Africa

This is Africa

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Embarking on this journey is anything but easy. Saying good bye to Jared is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do, and saying by to little baby Tinners (my puppy) was pretty hard too! Leaving my family and friends and comfortable American lifestyle, at times seems impossible, however here I am. I touched down in DC yesterday morning, and took on my role as a big girl, finding where I was supposed to be all by myself (with like 150 pounds of luggage i might add). Coming to DC has been an amazing experience, because DC is where I have had the opportunity to meet the people that I will be spending my next two years with. These people are very special to me already because they share the exact same dream with me, that I have been awaiting for years. I no longer have to explain why I want to be a PCV or watch people stare at me like i am some crazy person!! These people will be my 'family' for the next couple of years, and I am so thankful that God has placed them in my life!!*...Today we have to go to a clinic and receive our last round of shots (pretty sure i do not have to have anymore though, considering a rabid dog could bite me and i would be fine!!)..and after clinic we are off to the airport, and off to my new home, MALI!!~see you on the other side :)*


  1. Ashton...I know you are excited about your 'new life' for the next couple of years. Even though it was hard to leave your family and friends, this is a wonderful path you have chosen to take. I hope you'll keep your blog updated as we'll all want to know what you are doing. Take lots of pictures!!

  2. Ashton....not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I hope you have a wonderful and meaningful experience. So happy to be able to keep up with you.....keeping you in my prayers.
