This is Africa

This is Africa

Saturday, June 4, 2011

And The Training Begins

Traveling to Mali has been quite an experience, to say the least! France is not really on my good side right now because their airline loves to charge you a ton of money, and my pedicure in the Paris airport was way over charged, but hey that is the French for ya!~JOKING!* I definitely packed to much on this excursion (imagine that) therefore i guess i deserve being charged in every airport i enter! Anyway, on a positive note, I LOVE MALI!! Everything is currently a whirlwind, because training is pretty outrageous, but the people here are soooo nice!! There are more trainers in our compound than there are trainees (only 23 of us) and they are all so welcoming (most of them are Malian)* Today was crazyness!! We toured our compound, had a medical lesson (began my malaria medicine today :( ) had a language lesson (in Bambara), a cultural lesson, and everything in between!!* I miss home, Jared, friends, and family, but I really feel like this is where I need to be right now, and truly feel like I have made a wonderful decision!! The Peace Corps is celebrating there 50th anniversary this year and Mali is celebrating their 40th year with PC, therefore this is an amazing time to be here, and Peace Corps is an amazing thing to be a part of!! ITS HARD AS HECK, but i expected it to be!! This week I am staying in a small hut with another girl my age, and a 60 some year old lady who served in the PC in Nigeria in the 60's!!~i know, WOW!! I'll be here til Wednesday, so expect lots more posts between now and then!!! ALL MY LOVE!!*

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