This is Africa

This is Africa

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Farewell August...

I can't believe that today is the final day of August...
I also can't believe that Western has started back to school, and for the first time since I was three or four, I did not start school :( "they really do grow up so fast..."
I've survived three whole months in Mali,  West Africa, and although I've traveled abroad many times, the longest I had ever been gone was three weeks, and during my trip(s), never was I ever forced to use the bathroom in a hole in the ground. Mali has played a number on my physical state, while beating up my mental state, and kicking my emotional state really hard, where it hurts.
But I've survived, and I am certainly alive. Truth be told, I am more alive now than I have ever been in the past. I've pushed my limits, more than I ever thought was possible, and at the end of my pushing I couldn't just open a carton of Ben and Jerry's or cry on the shoulder of a dear friend... While in Mali, I have been forced to sit down and get to know myself...sounds pretty ridiculous (and believe me it is) but at the end of the day, its nice to be able to say "I know myself a little better today, than I did yesterday..."
A friend of mine (shout out to SamKat07 ;) told me one day that when her father asked "why on earth is Ashton doing this?" She replied "Idk..I guess she's going off to find herself..." At first I was slightly offended, because that was not the reason I applied, but in the end, thats exactly what I have gotten out of the experience. I pray to God that I have made a difference in these peoples lives since I have been here, but only he knows the answer to that one... however these past three months have really helped me to place MY life into perspective! Have I found myself?? Well..I was never really missing?? But I definitely believe that this experience has made me find the person that I want to be, and more importantly the person that God wants me to be...
My suggestion to people is definitely not to run off to Africa if you feel that you've misplaced your mind for the day, or my personal favorite- the mother (in the movies) who leaves her husband and kids behind to go out and 'find herself'...
Through my experience I have just found that these 'quiet times' that I always learned about in church and always THOUGHT that I was doing are truly magical!!..Although mine were forced at times, they were exactly what I needed, in the moment and always...
Its true what they say...When you have no strength left to stand, kneel...
The past three months have been difficult, and miserable at times for sure, but they have also been the most rewarding three months of my life!!!* I have my mother, my dear friends and family, and every sweet person from my high school cheer coach, to my kindergarten teacher and all those in between to thank for it...but most of all I've had God.
I've always considered myself close to God, but I've never been in the situation where I truly have no one else to turn to, and its amazing to know that he is always there, and he is always going to be there!! Please continue to Pray for me as I make my next moves, but mainly pray for the people of Mali and my fellow volunteers as they impact the world!!
All my Love From West Africa* PEACE*

1 comment:

  1. love my shout out! haha I am glad that you are finding this experience so rewarding! You inspire me every day! Love you! :)
