This is Africa

This is Africa

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Two days ago I officially Swore-In as a Peace Corps Volunteer, so here I am anticipating what the rest of my service has in store.
Swear-In was a really neat experience. We were Sworn-In by the Charge de l'Affairs, because he is the interim Ambassador of Mali. We Swore-In at the U.S. Embassy, which was absolutely fabulous. Considering its considered 'US soil,' that place was like a big piece of America, the toilets were to die for, and I can honestly say I didn't see ONE fly the entire time I was there. We were not allowed to take photographs, and after my scarring experience with the picture I took of the US Embassy in Ghana, I thought it would be best to follow the rules this time.
Swearing-In to the Peace Corps was a very rewarding experience, and something I have wanted for a very long time. I am really proud of myself, as well as all of the amazing individuals who did it with me. One woman, our grandmother in the group, was in Peace Corps Nigeria in the 60's, when Peace Corps took you out in the middle of nowhere, and said 'GoodLuck!' LoL*...She is an amazing person, with awesome stories, and I am extremely proud of her, because as a 22 year old, this is painfully difficult, so I can't imagine doing it forty/fifty years down the road.
After Swear-In we got to go to the American Club and swim all day, and we were treated to a buffet of delicious American Pizza, Hamburgers, French Fries, you name it!!~YUMMMMY!! And Later we were taken to a hotel/restaurant where we were able to eat another amazing meal, and then went out to the 'club.' There was lots of dancing, and mingling and we all had a wonderful time. The best part was when we FINALLY received our stage name. (The other stages names are Risky Business, Team America, and the Kennedy's) and until now, we were just 'the trainees!!' haha...but now we received our name that our wonderful trainers picked for us. Because we are like the smallest group in Peace Corps Mali history, we are really close like a family, and we play the card game 'Mafia' constantly so we got the name 'Goodfellas' (due to the film) and we are really pleased with it :)
Today I am traveling to Segou. Normally I would be dreading 'traveling' through Mali, but my Lucky Lucky self, gets to travel in air-conditioned Peace Corps transport because their are only 2other people in my region. My region is Segou, but I live really far from the city of Segou, so we will spend a couple of nights there and then on to San in a couple of days.
I am excited to get out to my village and meet the people and see what work I can do with them to improve their quality of life...but I am also TERRIFIED!! These next few months are supposed to be extremely hard, because of the whole Lonely aspect, and our traveling restrictions!!
I miss you all, but will definitely miss you more as I battle loneliness, and who knows what types of illness over the next 90 days!!
I miss and Love you aLL! PEACE*


  1. Love hearing the contrasts you are experiencing - from your "squatties" to the toilets that are to die for at the Embassy!!! Hilarious!!! I am so proud of you for many reasons - for making it to your "swear-in" and especially for following the rules and not taking pictures!! :) So glad you had a few nice meals and some decent swimming and a hotel - woo hoo!!! Keep up the great work and know you are in our constant prayers!!!

    Love and miss you sweet girl!!!

  2. You did it!!! Your dad, Dakota, Micha, and I are so proud of you and your accomplishments!!! You have worked extremely hard to achieve the goals that were placed in front of you. When I hear the exhaustion in your voice, read the interesting details in your blogs, and look at your wonderful pictures, it is still so difficult for me imagine what you are going through! When you experience those times of loneliness, remember your family and friends back home that are constantly lifting you in prayer! I know you have trusted God to carry you safely on this journey! I pray His protection over you Ps. 5:11. I love and miss you baby!!! Mom:)
