This is Africa

This is Africa

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Welp...Wish Me Luck*

Welp, this is it....
I am enjoying my last night in the Stage house of Segou, getting my fill of the fabulous luxuries of air conditioning, wifi, and electricity. I am about as nervous as I was on my plane ride from Nashville to Washington DC, thinking 'What have I gotten myself into?'
Tomorrow morning I will be installed into my aprx. 4,000 person village. I am officially moving to the place that I will spend the rest of my service at. I am extremely nervous in many different ways, and probably not even sure what all I should be nervous about yet.
My biggest worry, I would say, is loneliness.  
Its funny how you can be surrounded by so many people and yet still be so lonely.
It may sound stupid, but I am definitely going to miss being able to speak English.
I am going to be insanely hot, and extremely bored at times. I am not going to have a clue what to do with myself, or what to do with my time....Yes, I can go for a walk, or write, or read a book, but that stuff only takes up so much time.
I am concerned about many aspects of this new step of Peace Corps, however I am also really excited about what my next move has in store for me. I joined Peace Corps to help people, and to also test my limits, and make myself a better person. Though I will be lonely most of the time, I will be able to spend my time getting to know the village and figuring out ways to help them, help themselves.
During this time I plan to focus on my relationship with God, and grow closer to him through prayer and scripture.
Today I was talking with another PCV about our time here in Mali, and I said that I was glad that I had completed Homestay because I had become a stronger person, and she corrected me by saying that we all have this strength in us, we just aren't able to see what we are capable of, until we are in these situations.
Who knows what I am capable of, and What I am not...I guess over the next few weeks/months/years, I will definitely see what obstacles, when faced with, I can overcome.
Please keep me in your prayers over the next few weeks, because one thing is for sure, that without God I wont be able to achieve anything*


  1. your words are so true! I am so unbelievably proud of you Ashton! You are growing so much on your adventure & I am so proud and happy for you!!! love you so much! :)

  2. I do wish you luck, dear, but most of all I wish you peace! The peace that only God can give! I know there are great things in store for you and the people of your village! I am praying for you continually!!! I love you baby!!!


  3. Interesting website. Keep blogging!
