This is Africa

This is Africa

Friday, August 26, 2011

missing you...

First let me say, Happy Birthday to my dear friend Mery Fane!! Days like today are days that make me miss home a little bit more, because I hate missing special events in my friends and families lives. Don't get me wrong, God willing, I will be able to experience plenty of birthdays in my friends and families lives, but weddings and babies being born are important moments that I hate not to be a part of. I knew this came with the Peace Corps territory. Missing home and special occasions and all of the luxuries that don't quite exist here in West Africa- its just part of this experience.
Today, while sitting around relaxing with my Peace Corps friends, we listened to a James Taylor album and all I could think of was my dad. He loves filling our home with music, and plays it pretty loudly. Christmas time is the best at my house, because my dad is really good at getting us in the holiday spirit. So, today I guess I miss my dad, and the simple things things that he does for our family. Being here I am constantly missing big things like air conditioning, and food, and my fiance, but lately I have missed the small things that make my life unique and special to me. I miss my brother and his strange sense of humor, and I guess I miss him constantly making fun of me. I miss my baby sister and her constant hugs, and encouraging words. I miss cuddling with my little Tinner butt, and her kisses. I talk to the woman everyday, but I miss my mother. I miss my friends, and I miss the opportunity of going to the parties, and going on trips with them. I miss America. Its funny, here I am so proud of being an American, but at the same time, I wonder how I got so lucky to live in such an incredible country. Being a Republican is extremely difficult in the Peace Corps, because I am certain that I am the first one to become a PCV. I've learned to just keep my opinions to myself, because 1. I am very outnumbered. 2. There is no reason to start up conflict with people for no reason (If they wanted my opinion they would ask for it!)
Its interesting serving with people who are so much different than the people in my life in America. I think its important to meet people with different points of views than yourself. You can learn a lot from other people, but most of all I think it is important to find out why people believe the way that they do. As long as you hold true to your beliefs and your value systems, you should be able to have a civil conversation with anyone. You can't expect people to change their views just because you think that its right, because you wouldn't want them to force their views upon you!!*
I appreciate everyone I have met, and I respect all of their viewpoints, but I also miss my family and friends who share much of the same values with me.
.....Being at the stage house, it is easy at times to watch your DVD's and eat your decent food, and forget what you were going through just a few days before. This is important because if I didn't have that I would go Craaazy! (I'm probably a little more crazy now, than I was when I left) But its nice to have this opportunity. Don't get me wrong, I am still very much in Africa, with no cool air, and bugs and rats running around, and some seriously bad gash/bite on my back that I woke up with, and who knows what got ahold of me last night...(i'm afraid I don't want to know..)
But for now I am enjoying my ceiling fans, and facebook time....
However now and for the rest of my service, I miss all of you, and I hope you are well :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I miss you my baby!!! I am so thankful that we get to talk almost everyday, but I miss time with you and touching you! Skype has been a wonderful thing, but it is certainly not the same as being together!!! I have learned to treasure time together with family and friends even more than before!!! I love you sweetheart!!!xoxoxoxo
